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قصيدة (الــجــبــــال) للراحل الأسطورة محمد عبد الاله العصار
لحج نيوز
السعودية وكابوس الغباء السياسي
بقلم/ عبدالملك العصار
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مصريّة تقتل زوجها بمساعدة عشيقها بعد أن ضبطهما في أحضان بعض في غرفة نومه
لحج نيوز/متابعات
لحج نيوز - veryone knows that UAE joined the Arab Coalition as a means to an end, of course a rather selfish one, very far away from the path drawn for the Arab Coalition fo

الإثنين, 08-مايو-2017
لحج نيوز/صنعاء -
Everyone knows that UAE joined the Arab Coalition as a means to an end, of course a rather selfish one, very far away from the path drawn for the Arab Coalition forces – led by Saudi Arabia – which is to bring back to power President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi and his government. In the Arab Coalition, the Emiratis found what they had been looking for to achieve their secretive ambitions, pretending to provide support for the legitimate government (which is recognized by the world) while in fact it hatches plots and weaves schemes for the purpose of hindering the declared intents and efforts of the Arab Coalition.

As an approach, the Emiratis have adopted political and military duplicity, showing something different to what is going on in the minds of UAE policy makers. They nurture a desire to disintegrate the unity of Yemen so that they can impose their control over the southern governorates and put their hand on the material resources of the southern part of Yemen (including oil resources, ports and islands).

To achieve that, Emiratis have had a conviction that they need to “create” their puppets in the southern governorates of Yemen in order to serve as UAE proxies on the one hand and to disfigure the hard-won achievements of the Arab Coalition on the other. Therefore, they brought to existence the so-called “Armed Southern Movement” and established the so-called “Security Belt”. Through these two entities – supervised by Aidroos Zubaidi (during his tenure as Governor of Aden) and Shallal Shayei’ (as Aden Police Commissioner) – the Emiratis managed to hamper the progress of the Arab Coalition, and also to create a great confusion to President Hadi and his government to the extent of harassing and preventing him from staying in Aden.

UAE has wanted to present itself as a savior of the southern governorates, by creating chaos in order to prove that Hadi and the Coalition are not in control of the situation, and that without UAE presence in Aden the city would. At the same time, UAE deliberately used its proxies and agents planted in various leadership position in Aden to disorganize the scene and instigate the public against Saudi Arabia, with an intent to show that KSA is incapable of leading the Arab Coalition. Systematic power cuts
were accompanies by disruption of public water services, particularly in a city, Aden, with predominantly hot weather for the most part of the year.

On their way to put the final touches to the scene, the Emiratis knew they wanted to graft the blame on someone for what was going on in Yemen, so they started to accuse the State of Qatar, alleging that Qatar wanted to divide the solidarity of GCC countries by stalling the progress of the Arab Coalition. This move was intended to expand the hiatus between Qatar and other GCC countries, and at the same time divert everyone’s attention away from the expansionist movements of UAE on the ground to serves its interests only.

UAE claims to be fighting extremist groups while at the same time it supports armed factions that are no less – if even more – dangerous than those groups in the level of harm they inflict on Yemen and the Yemeni people. The UAE-backed groups aim to create a state within the state by abolition of the role of the central state (represented by the President and the government), and promotion of armed groups operating under the leadership of individuals who do not follow the Coalition of President Hadi’s army.

UAE’s contribution in the Coalition-led war has been clearly shown as interest-driven and selfish; otherwise, why would UAE use its proxies in Aden to deliberately harass the residents coming from the northern governorates, especially from Taiz, expelling them from Aden and portraying them as unwelcomed individuals? All of these actions do not serve President Hadi and the Arab Coalition at all, but rather exacerbate the chaotic internal political scene, affect social cohesion and disintegrate the social fabric.
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جميع حقوق النشر محفوظة 2009 - (لحج نيوز)